Malaga 2

Token Price
Annual rental return
Capital gain after sale
Total APY
Home Rent
2023-08-20T 13:27:54,000 Z


Discover the unique value of investing in the new tokenized property in Malaga through the real estate investment platform Reental. Located in Plaza Ntra. Sra. del Carmen, 12, in the heart of Malaga, Andalusia, this building offers an exceptional opportunity for passive income and attractive returns.

With 6 bedrooms, fully equipped kitchen and bathroom, this property stands out as an ideal option for renting by room. Each of the rooms has been carefully designed to offer comfort and functionality, providing tenants with a lodging experience similar to that of a quality hotel.

By investing in this tokenized property through Reental, you enjoy passive income while the platform takes care of the daily management of the property, including supplies, a high-speed WIFI connection, electricity and water, as well as weekly cleaning of common areas.

The strategic location of this property in an area highly sought after for room rentals guarantees full occupancy all year round. Located in the vicinity of renowned universities, educational institutions and workplaces, this property benefits from a constant flow of potential tenants, which represents a unique opportunity to obtain a solid return.

In addition, the surroundings of this house offer a wide variety of services and activities. Just a short walk away, you'll find a selection of restaurants, cafés, shops and supermarkets that provide convenience to residents.

Token details

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2023-08-20T 13:27:54,000 Z